
Summer's half over

Summer keeps speeding by and we're getting a lot of orders. Hard to believe that we're at the half-way point. And we're having a problem with a large supplier, Mead. Apparently the "big" retailers (Wal-Mart, Amazon, etc)have items made specially for them by Mead. So when customers go shopping and find something they like, they ask to put it into a School-Pak. But Mead has restrictions on selling the items to us. They have to get a release from these retailers. That takes us out of the running if a school is asking for the product. We have an agreement with Mead for their products but these don't show up in their catalog as they are specially made. I guess exclusivity is what all of us retailers would like. It's hard enough to stay competitive with multi-million dollar companies. We'd just like a level playing field when it comes to product accessibility. On a side note, teachers are still asking for items that haven't been made for years. We keep getting requests for "Spacemaker" pencil boxes. Sorry. These haven't been around for about 5 years. Teachers may be using "Spacemaker" as a generic term. Unfortunately, parents that go shopping will be looking for it. The same with "Duo-Tang" folders. They're history. The company that bought their manufacturer dropped the name. But back to the good news. The temperature today is a little more comfortable in the warehouse and our workers (college and high school students)are doing an incredible job this summer.

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