
Realizing What's Important

Running a business can be difficult. We have to be concerned with all those things that make us go. Do we have enough product? Do we have enough workers? What will it cost to ship to a school? Can we lower prices? What do the customers want?

And then we get that shock to the system that makes us step back and see real life.

The past two years we’ve sponsored, as School-Pak, a rookie girl’s baseball team. And they are definitely rookies. Some have played T-Ball in the past but most have no baseball experience. The girls range from 1st Graders to 3rd Graders and come from various schools.

This year we were stunned when one of the girls was diagnosed with leukemia. Her treatment, including chemo-therapy, has been aggressive and signs point to a good prognosis. Honestly, this is the first child that we’ve known that is facing leukemia and it’s difficult to think of her without tearing up.

We’ve attended most of the games but really, we’re sponsors not family or friends so it’s hard to convey our thoughts to the family.

Our newest shock was to learn of the accidental death of one of our student-customers during a 4th of July celebration. The difficulty of dealing with a tragic loss of a child is something unimaginable yet it happens every day.

As grandparents of four healthy grandchildren, 1 girl and 3 boys, we sometimes forget how lucky we’ve been. They were all at our house for the 4th and they were fun to watch at the local parade and fireworks.

Our hearts and thoughts go out to these two families and those that we don’t know that face difficult life events.

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